For those of us old enough to remember Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement, today is a dream long deferred, but finally come to light. I remember his "I have a dream," speech. I remember when students first sat around singing "We shall overcome," and it wasn't trite, it wasn't overdone. It was a fervent dream of a better tomorrow for our country. Today, we took a big step forward.
Some people voted the other way and have their own fears to deal with. Hopefully, the next four years will go a long way to reassuring them that the boogeymen they were warned about were fabrications of the opposition. Hopefully, the people will join together to repair the damage that has been done over the past 8 years to our economy, our infrastructure, our military, our standing in the world.
But, however people may feel about the particular issues, the fact is that from now on we have broken down the barriers. From today forward America will be able to choose its leaders based on ability, not color of skin or gender.
Change has come to America. God bless us every one.