It is not a crime to be a homosexual. People who are homosexual pay taxes, hold jobs, buy property, raise children, and have the same basic needs and desires as anyone else. They want what we all want, security, love of family, and to be a welcome part of the broader community. Like the children of Martin Luther King, they each deserve to be judged on the content of their character, not on a genetic disposition that God gave them.
Jesus Making a Heart, pencil drawing by Jaison Cianelli
Jesus didn't waste time chastising people for their sexual practices. He was too busy ministering to their souls. The only group he got really mad at was the moneychangers. Like him, I despise thieves, but people who are loving and law-abiding? Isn't that what we want? To some, a philandering heterosexual male is still preferable and more forgivable than a loving, monogamous homosexual male, despite the clear lack of character of the former.
When my children were teenagers and asked me about this topic, I told them, I don't care who you love, but I care that you treat people well. Don't cheat in a relationship. Be faithful. Be kind. These are the qualities that I believe Jesus demands of us. These are the qualities that matter.
There is so much suffering in the world. We should be addressing that, not imposing undeserved suffering on our brothers and sisters. He died for us all
He loves us all.
No exceptions.
He loves us all.
No exceptions.
Jesus Making a Heart, pencil drawing by Jaison Cianelli
You can purchase Jaison's art at Cianelli studios.